
Steven K. Mariner

Last Updated: 18-Sep-2008

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SSmlsSKM01 History


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    Main Battle - Beginning of Game    
The Dwarves invade the Elven woods using trumped-up charges as an excuse. The Dark Lord helps the Dwarves, but in a very limited way.
    Black Dwarrows &   
Dark Lord: Michael L. Stachowski
Elves: Steven K. Mariner
    Start: The Dwarves set up ready to invade on all fronts. They place the Warg Riders, their fastest units, along the southernmost edge of the eastern front, where they have the most distance to cover. (We only noticed after the game was over that this is an illegal setup; the Wargs must start in Intas.) The Elves set up in the deeper Forest in a defensive posture, waiting for the Dwarves to arrive.
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Game-Turn 1

Main Battle - Mid-GT 1     Main Battle - End of GT 1
Mid-GT 1: The Dwarves head in. The Wargs scream into the Woods at the southern edge, threatening, among other things, flanking action.
End of GT 1: The Elves along the eastern front break their defensive posture and send Wargs running on the eastern front. A combined Archer/Sword contingent provides flank cover at the southernmost edge of the eastern front.

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Game-Turn 2

Main Battle - Mid-GT 2 Main Battle - End of GT 2
Mid-GT 2: The Dark Lord's faster units on the northern front swoop in, but cause more damage to themselves than to the Elves. Dwarven units on the eastern front force back the Elves at the center of their line.
End of GT 2: The Elves do not pursue the northern front, concentrating instead on repelling the Dwarven incursion on the Eastern front. In the process they isolate and encircle a Dwarven Axe contingent.

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Game-Turn 3

Main Battle - Mid-GT 3 Main Battle - End of GT 3
Mid-GT 3: The Elves gain the initiative and wipe out previously Demoralized Dwarven units and the previously encircled Axes.
End of GT 3: The Dark Lord's forces close on the northern front, edging for encirclement on the western edge. Meanwhile, Gerudirr's Dwarves on the eastern front punch into the Elven center again whilst the Wargs regroup and vie again for flanking positions around the southern edge.

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Game-Turn 4

Main Battle - Mid-GT 4 Main Battle - End of GT 4
Mid-GT 4: The Elves repel the incusion at the center of the eastern front and deploy reserves to back up the southern flank protection contingent.
End of GT 4: Ganab presses and breaks the northern front and wraps around the western edge, closing off much of the Elven maneuverability on that side of the battle. Gerudirr's Dwarves make serious advances along the eastern front, at the cost of some Dwarven blood. Much of the Elven army is in disarray.

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Game-Turn 5

Main Battle - Mid-GT 5 Main Battle - End of GT 5
Mid-GT 5: The Elves are hit with an Elven High Holy Day, and therefore neither move nor engage in combat. In a desperate attempt to save some of his more valuable forces, Dalmilandril puts up two Force Walls to keep Ganab and Gerudirr from splitting the Elven army in half.
End of GT 5: Ganab destroys the remnants of the northern front and closes in. Gerudirr's forces destroy most of the routed Elven units from the eastern front and proceed to wrap around the southern portion of what is left of the main Elven army. The noose is very nearly completely closed around the Elven army; all Elven units are pinned down. The Elven southern flank reserve unit is isolated and trapped.

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Game-Turn 6

Main Battle - Mid-GT 6 Main Battle - End of GT 6
Mid-GT 6: The Elves resecure the Capital, rally most of the remaining Demoralized troops and counterattack the northern front, endeavoring to release Ganab's hold on the noose.
End of GT 6: Gerudirr slides across the southern front to strengthen the noose. Gerudirr's forces encircle the previously pinned-down Elven flank protection units, keeping enough troops on the eastern front to maintain tactical supression. The entire Elven army is still pinned down.

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Game-Turn 7

Main Battle - Mid-GT 7 Main Battle - End of GT 7
Mid-GT 7: In a risky maneuver, the Elves manage to capture Ganab, but at the cost of much Elven blood. This gives them a shot at defending Vynar despite previous losses, but it also puts the Dwarrows on the edge of their Victory Conditions.
End of GT 7: Gerudirr obliterates the southern stopgap forces and concentrates his attacks on the eastern front, making excellent progress and killing a lot of Elven units. There's not much left of the Elven army, and most of it is still pinned down.

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Game-Turn 8

Main Battle - Mid-GT 8 Main Battle - End of GT 8
Mid-GT 8: Gerudirr regains the Initiative and attacks the Capital. His forces also gain much ground on the eastern front, killing everything in their path.
End of GT 8: The Elves regroup, destroy a small Horse unit and resecure the Capital.

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Game-Turn 9

Main Battle - Mid-GT 9 Main Battle - End of GT 9
Mid-GT 9: The Elves have lost too many units to have much hope of preventing the Dwarves from meeting their Victory Conditions, but they press on, killing two more Horse units.
End of GT 9: Gerudirr, sensing victory, engages in a simple war of attrition.

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Game-Turn 10

Main Battle - Mid-GT 10 Main Battle - End of GT 10
Mid-GT 10: The Elves still have no real hope of averting the Dwarrow Victory Conditions, but they press on, killing two more Sword units.
End of GT 10: Gerudirr advances against the southern edge of the capital, sending Elven Sword and Archer running.

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Game-Turn 11

Main Battle - Mid-GT 11 Main Battle - End of GT 11
Mid-GT 11: Gerudirr gains the initiative and destroys the retreating Elven units. The Capital is almost completely surrounded.
End of GT 11: Dalmilandril casts Fear on the units accompanying Gerudirr and the Elves unleash Hell's Fury. Gerudirr is captured, taken back to the Capital and slain.

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Game-Turn 12

Main Battle - Mid-GT 12 Main Battle - End of GT 12
Mid-GT 12: The Elves are coming back strong, but it's too late; they haven't killed enough Dwarrow units to prevent the Dwarrow Tactical Victory conditions.
End of GT 12: The Dwarrows move deeper into the Forest and accept the win. Dwarrow Tactical Victory.

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© 1997-2008, Steven K. Mariner